Marilyn Monroe
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, March 26

im telling

another part of my miserable past that is being brought back to life.  i was sleeping at my grandpas house on the couch and i get woken up to someone trying to do me in the butt, no that is not the wording that i wanted to use but its easier for me to say it that way. i didnt know what to do as the person doing this to me was my older brother. i laid there for a few minutes pretending to still be sleeping while he pushed and pushed and i moved just a little and i guess it scared him and he left. i thought that i could go back to sleep and just as i was about to it happens again. i move around just a little more still pretending to be sleeping and he leaves again. this time i get off the couch and lay down on my grandpas floor and think that i would be safe in there and that i could finally go to sleep but i guess that i was wrong. he comes in and lays down behind me and starts rubbing my crotch. i get up and go back out to the couch and not even five minutes later he is back again and this time i tell him that i will wake grandpa and tell him he wouldnt let me sleep. so i finally got to sleep after that but that wasnt the end of it.

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