Marilyn Monroe
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, March 16

first post

so yup. as the title puts it, this is my first post thing in the blogging world. i have no clue what i am doing or what i will be doing on here but i just thought it would be a new experience to me. lets see how well this turns out. and already i am getting brain farted with what to write in this little box. so i have three boys. they are such a handful each and every day but i love them with every piece of my heart. some of this should have went into my "about me" section but when i was doing that i had no idea what to put. i am 21 with a 5 year old named kameron a 2 year old named mason and a 5 month old named ethan. kameron and mason have the same dad, not a very good one at that but i cant change the fact that he doesnt want to be a part of his kids lives. we were together for 5 years starting in 2004 and ending in 2009. his name is kris. after our breakup i met ethans father, john, we have been together off and on since then. we've had many ups and downs and always seemed to work things out. kameron and mason have seem to grow found of him lately. i just lost my train of thought right here, thats what i get for texting and trying to blog at the same time. maybe its a hint to wrap this up and focus more on it later when i am not so tired and dont have a screaming baby right next to me. ethan is teething right now so i have not been getting much sleep at nights and its hard for me to nap in the day time because i live alone, just me and the boys, for the time being (john will be moving back soon) -ill get to that later probably, its a long story. kameron goes to preschool in the morning, well technically its afternoon. he goes from 12:15-3:15. but we usually dont wake up till around 11ish. and trying to get a nap in the day with three kids is kinda impossible. and trying to get them to sleep all at the same time is probably even more impossible and even if they do all fall asleep at the same time and sleep through the whole night i still wouldnt get much sleep. i have a problem falling asleep at night, no matter how tired i am. also, i hate the dark and sleeping alone so i tend to stay awake till i can no longer keep my eyes open and then go and lay down. but i think i said that i needed to wrap this thing up for a bit. im going to try to talk about my past eventually in the future but im not so sure on how it will turn out because i have not really talked much about my past to alot of people. well, keep in touch. or not. its your choice. but im outta here.