Marilyn Monroe
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
Marilyn Monroe

Friday, April 22

i hate storms!!

i thought that if i started a blog it would be pretty cool. you know to have my thoughts and ideas out there for others to read and whatnot. but i have not been up to date on this thing like i thought i would be. i thought it would be a hobby type thing, get me away from facebook.  but i have been neglecting this poor little blog. i dont really see much point in it anymore, i dont think there is much people reading out there any ways. if you are reading this...comment..anything, your name, a goofy sentence a joke or a riddle. haha. i dont even remember my main reason on why i started this thing really. im not getting much out of it as i hoped. i have a journal that i keep on my desktop that i used to write in all the time and i always have things that i want to put in there and release frustrations and i guess its a way to feel relief since i really dont have much people i can talk to. but after awhile i slowed down on that one too. it just seems to be that i never really finish what i start. seems to be true for the most part. right now i am stuck searching for a job and really is in desperate need of one right now!!! i quit my job at meijer, which now i know was a really huge mistake!! i thought it would be simple to get another job. seeing alot of ads online and in the newspaper, and i had 2 years of cashier experience, which is not really much but i thought it would help. i dont think i went through this much trouble when i first started looking for work two years ago. so now, i am farther behind on bills then i ever wanted to be. my bank account is negative 130. holy cow, it sucks!! im most likely will be going to court again for an eviction and this time i wont have the money to stop the eviction and i believe i wont be able to get help from anyone. i think i have borrowed so much money from others and not yet have had the money to pay them back. i would have no place to move to. it is just a really depressing time for me right now and i am really hoping that things will change soon!!

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