Marilyn Monroe
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
Marilyn Monroe

Friday, March 18

way too early

yeah its 8 minutes till 9am and most people are usually up and working and have been awake for a few hours at least but me, im usually still sleeping at this time at least for another hour or two if im lucky. but not this morning. nope, i get woken up to a sick child. not the usual, "mommy i dont feel good can i lay down with you" and its gone in the morning. more like a "mommy can i lay in your bed" a little bit later hes jumping out of my bed and sprinting to the bathroom leaving a trail of puke on my floor. now im hoping this is just a short time sickness and it goes away before it gets caught by one of the other boys. so just like any other sick kid of any parent he gets the "special treatment" till he feels better. so this is going to be a very fun day. now you cant read the sarcasm that i just put into that sentence but the level of sarcasm there is about 100%. considering now i have a sick kid who will be wanting every little bit of my attention, i have a teething baby who doesnt like to be put down or not getting attention and then last but not least, i have a jealous kid who will not stand for everyone else getting more attention than he is. this is just going to be a super de duper day!!! hope your day goes swell :)

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